Title | Malachite Loose Gemstone at an affordable price. |
URL | https://www.gemexi.com/loose-gems/malachite |
Category | Entertainment --> Shopping's |
Meta Keywords | Loose Malachite Gemstone, loose malachite for sale, malachite loose stones, wholesale malachite loose stones |
Meta Description | Gemexi has a wide range of Malachite gemstones at wholesale price. |
Owner | anniemcalone93 |
Description |
Malachite is a green-colored gemstone believed to be a part of the monolithic crystal system. Malachite has a silky luster that gives it a patterned surface. You can quickly identify the malachite by its rich green hues. Malachite derives its name from the Greek word malakos which means soft. A natural Malachite stone has some healing properties like it helps to heal from Broken Heart. It also keeps away wearer from negative energy. Gemexi has a wide range of Malachite gemstones at wholesale price. |