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Title Weight Loss in Diabetes. Is It Good or Bad?
Category Fitness Health --> Alternative
Meta Keywords weight loss in diabetes,Weight loss and diabetes
Owner Girish Banvi

Weight Loss in Diabetes. Is It Good or Bad?

Weight Loss in Diabetes

 VIEWS: 1,850

How often have you come back from a doctor’s appointment ringing in your ears, “You need to lose weight”? Well, this isn’t a secluded case as the rising competitive demands of the current generation. This has led to more and more young adults going from healthy to obese.

Being healthy with normal weight is good for anyone who wants a life with lowered chance of chronic diseases. According to american diabetes association, About 50 percent of diabetes treatment methods require you to lose at least 10 percent of body weight. It is a good idea if you lose some weight with exercise and diet control. Weight loss is mandatory if you are suffering from Type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Can diabetic weight loss be harmful for you?

Now, remember that intentional weight loss among diabetics with physical activity can be good for controlled blood sugar levels. However, weight loss that is unintentional can be equally bad and serve as a sign that something is wrong. If your blood sugar levels are extremely high, it can cause you to urinate frequently with dehydration and possible weight loss. 

Additionally, people with diabetes can experience muscle breakdown with sugar levels that are exceptionally high. This unhealthy form of weight loss is noticeable in many diabetics who do not take diabetes medications. Most of the visits to doctor’s office are paired with complaints of weight loss that is unexplained. Apart from that, people who lose weight with diabetes could have cancer or thyroid disease that has gone undetected.

In short, supervising your attempt for weight loss from time to time is necessary. This is to ensure that nothing fishy is going inside your body. Also to avoid side effects. However, if you have been exercising, make sure you discuss with your doctor and supervise the forms of exercises.

This is because diabetics suffering from heart disease could experience fatal result from uncoordinated exercise.

Any unintentional weight loss among diabetics that has or hasn’t been diagnosed can point towards serious illness. It is mandatory that your physician completely evaluates your daily practices to ensure a healthy weight is maintained.

How is weight loss good for any diabetes patient?

Before we get to the part where you learn about weight loss based diabetes treatment. Let’s first understand what diabetes is. People With Type 2 diabetes, pancreas fails to make enough amount of insulin levels.

This is a hormone that aids in regulation of blood sugar levels. Till date, doctors believed that this issue is for life. However, some trails have proved that diabetes can be sent to remission when properly monitored.

Also Read How Weight Loss can Reverse TYPE 2 Diabetes?

Obesity & Diabetes

Diabetes and Obesity

Diabetes and obesity and linked to one another in ways like:

  • Obesity, especially abdominal obesity can be a major element in development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
  • Increasing cases of obesity comes with rising numbers of diabetic patients.
  • Being overweight or obese is associated with several co-morbidities.
  • Weight reduction is the prime goal for management and prevention of diabetes.

Manage or Cure-Diabetes?

Weight loss with diabetes provides the following benefits for diabetics:

Manage or cure Weight loss

The traditional therapy for diabetes treatment was focused on its management rather than cure. However, holistic health approaches have provisioned better methods to counteract the effects of diabetes.

Top food factors that lead to uncontrolled weight gain:

  • If happen to eat more calories than required, your body fails to burn it away. As energy and stores it as fat. To ensure that you do not gain extra weight, make sure you reduce your portions.
  • Eat 2/3rd of your meal before dusk. Make sure your breakfast or lunch is biggest with dinner being the smallest in terms of portions.
  • If you experience hunger pangs between meals, opt for tea/coffee without sugar, drink water, or opt for a fresh fruit. This helps you reduce cravings for highly-caloric food.
  • Nil or minimal physical activity can also lead to weight gain. So make sure you opt for cardio and strength training at least 1 hour a day.
  • Increasing levels of stress can also lead to weight gain. This is because stress makes your cortisol levels go haywire and your body goes into “Fight or flight” mode. Entering this mode makes your brain send signals to the body to save energy and fat for bad times.
  • If you tend to suffer from sleepless nights, it could also lead to uncontrolled weight gain.

Tricks to help Improve successful weight loss in long term

When trying to lose weight as a diabetic, you can seek help from a medical center. Medical Centers helps with daily dietary requirements. Including fresh fruits vegetables is advised. Additionally, you can opt for the following options:

weight loss in long term